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Visit cancellation Policy
Visit cancellation Policy
Written by Lisa Robinson
Updated over a year ago

Below are our cancellation guidelines:

It is imperative that companions thoroughly review the visit requirements and are entirely certain they can fulfil them before accepting a visit request.

  • Companions who cancel on an organiser on the day of the visit (or within 24 hours of the visit starting) will have their profiles deactivated

  • Aside from same-day cancellations, companions who cancel on an organiser three times within a given month will have their profiles deactivated.

  • Companions who fail to attend a confirmed visit without prior communication to the organiser will have their profiles deactivated.

We acknowledge that certain cancellations are beyond one's control, and we will certainly review all such situations. If you've had to cancel due to what you believe is an emergency situation outside of your control, please reach out to us at to inform us.

Your understanding and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

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